Yazidis lutam contra “Estereótipo de Satanistas” no Iraque

Ocultismo e Caminho da Mão Esquerda

YEZIDI MONK BABA CHAWISH POSES IN FRONT OF ENTRANCE TO THE LALISH TEMPLE.Monge Baba Chawisk posando na frente do Templo Lalish, Norte do Iraque

Dahuk, Iraque – Quando Nietzsche escreveu “Assim falou Zaratustra” em 1885, ele teve que matar Deus para quebrar a dicotomia entre “bem e mal”. No Kurdistão, não houve necessidade disso, praticantes do Yazidismo, a religião monoteísta mais antiga, já sabiam disso.

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The Qliphoth – Thaumiel

Temple of the Adversarial Spirit

Thaumiel is the opposite of Kether which is represents Unification with God. Thaumiel represents Duality or Separation Away From God. Essentially this means that Thaumiel is Individuality and a very honest acknowledgement of the Self which is not weak but rather has the potential to be something strong if Will is properly utilized and directed. There is however a necessity for balance of the two except that Kether isn’t suggesting the actual unification with God as so many people of religion, such as devout church going Christians, as much as the unification with the God/dess within, the Divine Spark if you will.

In The Collected Jewels of Satanism, Nargargole addresses the need of knowing one’s self to experience union with God[1]. For anyone to reach their full potential they must first understand themselves which is never, or at least almost never, something that can be done over night as the Self is like a maze that…

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Arachnida as Totem and Overcoming Irrational Fear

The Luciferian Revolution

I wasn’t intending to write another post so soon, but with it being the anniversary of the blog the other day I felt motivated to write  another entry on a topic i’ve wanted to cover for awhile.

Spiders have always fascinated me. From a young age, I can remember being simultaneously fascinated and terrified by these eight legged creatures. As a self professed arachnophobe, I struggled like many others with my crippling  fear over the appearance of these creatures.

In one terrifying instance I can remember, clearly, was when one day I put on an item as a child, without checking it. I was rewarded with several, not one, but several of the creatures crawling all over my skin, in a desperate attempt to escape from what I can only assume was a life or death situation for them. The experience of their legs crawling across my skin had me literally…

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